Otis' Story

Congratulations to the Sircy's on their purchase of another Appalachian Farmstead winner! Otis is a 2008 brown gelding who was a first place winner of his halter classes at both the 2010 and the 2011 Great Celebration Shows! He was also named the 2010 Tennessee Donkey Association Reserve High Point Gelding! Because Appalachian Farmstead had two other show geldings, Otis has not been shown since 2011. Otis is by Willow Creek Luigi, ADMS National Champion, and out of the legendary producing jennet, Windy Willow's Sapphire, who has produced many NMDA champions. This boy has a beautiful head and will make a wonderful show gelding for a youth or an adult!
Otis' Pedigree

Otis' Show Record
Kentucky Mule and Donkey Association State Championship Show (Liberty, KY)
3rd Place, 3 yr and Older Geldings
1st Place, Best Matched Pair (with Farmstead's Chessie)
Tennessee State Fair (Nashville, Tennessee)
4th Place, Best Matched Pair (with Farmstead's Chessie)
The Great Celebration (Shelbyville, Tennessee)
1st Place, 2 Year Old Geldings
2nd Place, Best Matched Pair (with Farmstead's Chessie)
Tennessee Donkey Association
Reserve High Point Gelding
Tennessee State Fair (Nashville, Tennessee)
4th Place, 2 Years and Older Geldings
2nd Place, Best Matched Pair (with Farmstead's Chessie)
Kentucky Mule and Donkey Association State Championship Show (Liberty, KY)
4th Place, 2 yr and Older Geldings
Wilson County Fair (Lebanon, TN)
1st Place, Best Matched Pair (with Farmstead's Chessie)
The Great Celebration (Shelbyville, Tennessee)
1st Place, Yearling Geldings
Tennessee State Fair (Nashville, Tennessee)
5th Place Foals/Yearlings Jacks/Geldings
Otis' Image Gallery